ICD Corporation is responsible for the development of ICT Stocktaking and Assessments for the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) and the SBV Credit Information Center (CIC). As part of this effort, ICD Corporation is also providing a recommended architecture for a centralized computing environment to support the core applications of the central bank. Similar architectural recommendations will be made for the automation of the Credit Information Center that is responsible for the collection, storage, processing, analysis and sharing of information on credit. In addition, ICD Corporation is responsible for the development of functional and technical specifications for the SBV Data Warehouse, Prudential Reporting System and Document Management System.
Categories: Examples of Previous Work

ICD Corporation is supporting the National Bank of Rwanda by reviewing business and technical requirements for all areas of the central bank including Banking Supervision, Accounting and Financial Management, Banking Operations, Currency Management, Financial Markets, Monetary Policy, Research, Statistics and Human Resources. ICD Corporation is responsible for development of technical specifications for recommended applications and assessment of ICT Department skilling and provision of training. ICD Corporation is also making recommendations the overall strategy for Payments in Rwanda.
The following are the activities performed to date: Developed the project work plan; Review of Business and Technical requirements for the Central Bank, Meetings with Stakeholders, Assessment of ICT Department and recommendations; Reviewed and assessed the Core Banking System Application and suggested plan for improvement, Developed Core Banking Technical Specifications for tender documents, including functional and non-functional requirements to support the Banking operations– Currency Management , Financial Markets and Risk Management Departments.; Developed Strategic Application Roadmap; Developed ERP and Data Warehouse Technical Specifications.
Categories: Examples of Previous Work
ICD Corporation performed an assessment of the current payments capacity at the Central Bank of Kuwait and made recommendations on capacity building, the required legal basis for supporting regulation and oversight of external payment system service providers, a framework for collateral and intra-day credit and the organizational structure for a payments department composed of oversight, policy formulation and strategic planning. In addition, ICD Corporation provided a roadmap for capacity development in the payments area.
Categories: Examples of Previous Work
ICD Corporation acted in the role of team leader for a banking supervision project at the Central Bank of Nigeria. The project focused on the streamlining of business processes within the Other Financial Institutions Department (OFID) which included the implementation of a workflow and document management system and an enhanced data collection system for the approximately 873 microfinance institutions in Nigeria. This work included the development of the technical specifications and facilitation of the procurement process including evaluation and decisioning. ICD Corporation also provided project management throughout the entire process including implementation. In addition, it included the development of an Off-site reporting manual and the training of OFID personnel to enhance the analytical skills of both On-site and Off-site personnel.
Categories: Examples of Previous Work
ICD Corporation completed a project with the National Bank of Azerbaijan performing an assessment and developing detailed business requirements for support of the Banking Supervision, Monetary Policy, Balance of Payments, Research and Statistics departments with “Best Practices” for the implementation of technology and procedures aimed at improving their efficiency and effectiveness. This includes the development of requirements for an MIS system to support the Banking Supervision Department.
Categories: Examples of Previous Work